CAI 31 trail Serravalle Pass – La Serrina – Castellina

Starting point: Serravalle Pass            Destination: Castellina
Length: 4km (one way)

Duration: outward journey 1.40 hours, return 1.20 hours
Difference in altitude: ascent 300 m descent 50 m

The trail starts at Serravalle Pass (132 metres above sea level) from the state road 435 Lucchese, where a small staircase leads to a small road which goes up towards the medieval village of Serravalle We continue towards the Town Hall and the Church of S. Michael until New Fortress. We turn right into Pace street, walking slightly between cultivated fields and olive groves until we reach a crossroads characterized by the presence of an iron cross and a carved stone. We continue on the right side until a dirt road. Shortly we arrive at Serrina Bassa and then we continue until a spring and an old wash house between the houses of the medieval village of Castellina (380 metres above sea level). We can continue and reach the square and the church of Ss. Philip and James, where our route ends.