From Castellina to Casore del Monte

From the square of the church of Castellina proceed uphill in Valenta street and after about 700 meters, with the last flat stretch, turn left. After a few tens of meters to the right we enter the forest. We follow the main cart track initially on a slight slope and shortly after uphill and, after about 600 meters, ignoring the white-red straight marker, continue left uphill on stony ground and then on a slight slope with a sandy bottom. Recently this stretch of dirt road has been enlarged and allows it to be easily covered, therefore we ignore the side paths and continue observing on the sides heather shrubs, ferns, brooms, strawberry trees and holly. At the next fork we keep to the right and continue to follow the main road with a more compact bottom. This route crosses a forest with chestnuts and pines until you reach the first houses and soon the paved road in Pagliaine. At this point there are two alternatives: 

  • return to the place of departure. In this case turn right uphill and shortly after, at the end of the paved road, enter the woods again and follow the white-red signs, first downhill and then near a ruin, on a slight slope, until you cross the junction again met during the journey. From here retrace the same route back to the square of the church of Castellina; 
  • continue to Casore del Monte. Turn left on a flat road and go past the junction for the “New Horizons Association”. Continue along street Castellina until the junction with the main road. From here turn left for about 2.5 km until reaching Casore del Monte.