The castle of Vinacciano became property of the municipality of Pistoia in 1221 and it was subjected to the same fate of its neighbours, especially in the 14th century. In this period Uguccione della Faggiola, lord of Lucca, waged war against the city of Pistoia and conquered the strongholds of Serravalle, Castellina, Casore del Monte and Marliana. Finally he also occupied Vinacciano: he settled his soldiers there and forced the inhabitants to take part in the capture of Pistoia. However, Uguccione did not succeed in his aim, not even after having bribed some soldiers with money who were supposed to open the doors for him from inside the city of Pistoia.
The strategic importance of the castle of Vinacciano was confirmed again in the year 1318, when Lucca decided to move against the city of Pistoia. After having subjugated the nearby castles, Castruccio Castracani, lord of Lucca, arrived in the lands of Vinacciano on 2 January 1318. The castle could only surrender to his will. In 1322, after the army from Lucca had conquered Pistoia and while they were returning to their city, they passed through Vinacciano, fortifying it and settling their soldiers there.